Batch 2: 7 Sarracenia from seedlings

Winning Bid: 2,00

Lot of 7 hybrid Sarracenia of unknown parents from seedlings of 01/07/2021 .

Ships From: France

Sold by  :  Localhost


Lot of 7 hybrid Sarracenia of unknown parents from seedlings of 01/07/2021 .

The original seeds come from a lot containing seeds from several dozen potential parents. Growth under LED.

The actual pots in the picture are 5cm x 5cm x 4cm.


The plants will be sent bare-rooted, so plan to have them repotted.


The plants you bid on are the ones in the photo. Delivery only to France.




Auction History

Auction has finished

Highest bidder was: g*****8

Date Bid User Auto
4 May 2022 17 h 35 min2,00g*****8
4 May 2022 12 h 00 minAuction started

Shipping Rates

Shipping Destination



Subtotal Equal To and Above Shipping Cost
0,00 5,00
20,00 7,00
50,00 10,00
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Bonne visite :)

David Deymel