Utricularia livida Mexico


Utricularia livida Mexico is a form of livida with larger flowers than the typical form.
The flower stalks are of variable size, the plant appreciates an extremely bright light!
It is however a little more cold than the other lividas, I advise a culture in terrarium with a temperature of apartment which will be largely sufficient

The plant will be sent in a clump surrounded by absorbent paper

4 in stock

Ships From: France

Sold by  :  Carnivorose


Terrestrial Utricularia to be stored preferably at higher temperatures than most other lividas
Cultivation is not particularly complicated, heat and bright light are two important factors

Additional information

Weight 0,100 kg

Shipping Rates

Shipping Destination



Weight Equal To and Above Shipping Cost
0 kg 5,00
0,25 kg 6,80
0,5 kg 7,80
0,75 kg 8,40
1 kg 9,70
2 kg 14,80
5 kg 22,00
10 kg 30,00
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