Utricularia flaccida


Utricularia flaccida is a simple terrestrial utricularia of culture which is not very particular about the conditions of culture.
A high enough water level, a suitable substrate, bright light and warmth will be the key elements to obtain a plant that blooms abundantly all year long

Plant sent in a clump surrounded by absorbent paper

1 in stock

Ships From: France

Sold by  :  Carnivorose


utricularia terrestrial with the small yellow flowers holding on floral stems of a 20ènes of centimeters.
It is one of the only utricularias (to my knowledge) to produce nectar on the floral stems

Additional information

Weight 0,100 kg

Shipping Rates

Shipping Destination



Weight Equal To and Above Shipping Cost
0 kg 5,00
0,25 kg 6,80
0,5 kg 7,80
0,75 kg 8,40
1 kg 9,70
2 kg 14,80
5 kg 22,00
10 kg 30,00
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