Pinguicula immaculata


Pinguicula immaculata is a tiny species that was discovered purely by chance. In January 1990, Alexander Lux found a new species of Pinguicula in flower growing between colonies of Selaginella on gypsum of the vertical walls of a gorge he was exploring the landscape around Rayones. The very small plants possibly would not have caught his eye if they were not in flower.

The type specimen was found at an altitude of 1300m between Rayones and Galeana. Pinguicula immaculata can be found also near Santa Rita at altitudes above 2180m. These sites are all within the state of Nuevo Leon in Mexico.

Pinguicula immaculata has a succulent phase in winter and carnivorous phase in summer. It flowers at the start of dormancy.


5 in stock

Ships From: Slovenia

Sold by  :  Diversiflora Boutique
SKU: PinIma


Drosera immaculata

Pinguicula immaculata is a tiny species that was discovered purely by chance. In January 1990, Alexander Lux found a new species of Pinguicula in flower growing between colonies of Selaginella on gypsum of the vertical walls of a gorge he was exploring the landscape around Rayones. The very small plants possibly would not have caught his eye if they were not in flower.

The type specimen was found at an altitude of 1300m between Rayones and Galeana. Pinguicula immaculata can be found also near Santa Rita at altitudes above 2180m. These sites are all within the state of Nuevo Leon in Mexico.

Pinguicula immaculata has a succulent phase in winter and carnivorous phase in summer. It flowers at the start of dormancy.


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Subtotal Equal To and Above Shipping Cost
0,00 10,00 (incl. 10,00 handling fee)
0,00 10,00 (incl. 10,00 handling fee)
20,00 20,00 (incl. 10,00 handling fee)
120,00 10,00 (incl. 10,00 handling fee)

Hi there!

My name is Petra, I am the crazy plant lady.
I’ve grown plants all my life. I first encountered carnivorous plants as a kid, when I got a venus flytrap as a gift. Despite my best intentions the poor thing died very fast. Don’t they all?

Years later, and with a collection of over 1000 other plants, I got seeds of Drosera binata for a second attempt. Oh, how I was happy when they sprouted and how I panicked about keeping them alive. Should I feed the tiny babies? When – and how – can I transplant them? I hooked up artificial lighting and fed them tiny bits of fish food with tweezers. Unnecessary panicking – yes, but that’s hindsight.

Slowly and with help of a few more CP-seasoned friends I learned, most importantly, that CPs are very different to care for than most other plants.

So, some 30 years on from that first venus flytrap we’re registered as the first commercial CP growers in Slovenia. I also give lectures on CPs and tours of our greenhouse.

I feel that educating the public, especially children, about CPs is important – on one hand, yes, to introduce more people to the hobby, but on the other hand CPs are actually great just to grab the audience’s attention for the underlying and more urgent cause. As many CPs are inhabitants of wetlands, they are great ambassadors for the importance and conservation of wetland ecosystems. And to say that wetlands are enormously important and seriousely endangered due to human activity, would both be understatements.


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Minimum order is 20 eur.

Postage for orders between 20 eur and 120 eur is 10 eur for anywhere on Europe (EU and non EU). Above 120 eur, shipping is free.

For Africa, Asia, S America, N America, postage is 15 eur for orfers between 20 and 200 eur. Orders above 200 eur enjoy free shipping.

Return Policy

We accept cancellations before the order is shipped. No returns. In case any plants from your order get damaged in transit please contact us and describe the problem, maybe send pics. If applicable we will send you a replacement plant.