Pinguicula grandiflora


This plant grows in our mountains, it spends the winter in the form of bulbis and wakes up in spring to launch its carnivorous rosette.
Once the beautiful days arrive, this plant will make you enjoy its big and beautiful purple flowers.
It is better to grow it in a shady situation, but it tolerates the full sun if the temperatures are not too high.
It is possible to cultivate this plant all year long outside, and it is important to let it benefit from a cold winter!

The plant will be sent in a pot

1 in stock

Ships From: France

Sold by  :  Carnivorose


Pinguicula grandiflora is a plant native to Europe, it produces large purple flowers in spring.

Additional information

Weight 0,250 kg

Shipping Rates

Shipping Destination



Weight Equal To and Above Shipping Cost
0 kg 5,00
0,25 kg 6,80
0,5 kg 7,80
0,75 kg 8,40
1 kg 9,70
2 kg 14,80
5 kg 22,00
10 kg 30,00
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