
A naturaly occuring cross of D. rotundifolia and D. spatulata, originating in Japan, where the native ranges of both parent species intersect. Looks very similar to spatulata and it’s often mislabeled as a true spatulata.. Unlike rotundifolia it does not need dormancy, but can go dormant in low temeratures. Our greenhouse drops to just above freezing in winter and I haven’t ever seen Drosera tokaiensis go dormant.
Tiny hot pink flowers on very long stalks. It’s a self fertile autopoliploid, which means it self seeds like it wants to take over the world. It’s fast and super easy to grow from seed. It reaches full size and can start flowering at just 4 months old.
It will grow in any pot and any CP substrate mix. This sundew is so tough it’s a weed in collections. So, definitely a good choice for a begginer.
You get 4 adult plants per portion, plus seedlings.