drosera tomentosa var tomentosa


This plant should be grown in a terrarium under a good-quality led banister. It forms a small rosette, so the size of the pot doesn’t matter.

Its special feature is a flowering stem covered with sticky hairs capable of capturing insects, which makes it very hairy indeed.

This drosera needs to be protected from extreme heat, so it’s best to keep the terrarium in a cool room during the summer, but it can withstand temperatures of up to 35 degrees with slow growth.

The plant will be sent bare-rooted, surrounded by abosorbent paper.

Size S/M (small plant, even as an adult).

1 in stock

Ships From: France

Sold by  :  Carnivorose


Native to Brazil, rosette-shaped, small size.

Shipping Rates

Shipping Destination



Weight Equal To and Above Shipping Cost
0 kg 5,00
0,25 kg 6,80
0,5 kg 7,80
0,75 kg 8,40
1 kg 9,70
2 kg 14,80
5 kg 22,00
10 kg 30,00
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