Drosera filiformis ‘BIG’ forms about 30 cm long and very narrow leaves, covered with sticky hairs. It really is a big sundew! We obtained the plant under this name. It is very likely a filiformis x tracyi hybrid, this is now being investigated. Winterhardy in zone 6 in any case.
To me Drosera filiformis plants look like the land version of a sea anemone. It is also a very prolific insect catcher. Over a few growing seasons the plant slowly divides to form a clump.
Drosera filiformis is found on the Atlantic coast of North America from North Carolina to Nova Scotia along with a few populations in the Florida panhandle.
Drosera tracyi is found along the gulf coast from Louisiana to the Florida panhandle and southern Georgia. It forms a hibernaculum, bt can only survive a mild winter.
Drosera filiformis is a winter-hardy sundew, it forms a hibernaculum in autumn and dormant throughout winter. It can be grown indoors, but be aware that it will still go dormant. If you don’t want or can’t overwinter it outside, put the pot with the plant in as cool a spot as possible for 3 to 5 months. Best choice is the fridge. Check the ‘Growing CPs’ page for more info.
Drosera filiformis is self fertile, but doesn’t really like to self seed. Also the adult plants are quite big and overgrow smaller ones. So if you want seedlings, do collect the seeds and sow them in a separate pot.
One semi-adult or adult plant per pot.