dionaea cudo


this miniature plant is the only one of the genus dionaea to be classified by some great specialists as a tropical plant. In reality it is false, this plant is absolutely not a tropical dionaea, the fact is that it does not really support the frost, the moss which grows on the surface of the pot, the cryptogamic diseases etc? Basically it is a clone of dionaea which is not very vigorous, a controlled culture in terrarium is therefore extremely beneficial and the plant does not require a period of rest. The substrate is to change preferably twice a year. The plant will be sent in a pot

1 in stock

Ships From: France

Sold by  :  Carnivorose


Dionaea cudo is a miniature species of Dionaea muscipula selected by Miroslav srba . In Slovak cudo means strange

Additional information

Weight 0,150 kg

Shipping Rates

Shipping Destination



Weight Equal To and Above Shipping Cost
0 kg 5,00
0,25 kg 6,80
0,5 kg 7,80
0,75 kg 8,40
1 kg 9,70
2 kg 14,80
5 kg 22,00
10 kg 30,00
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