Cephalotus Follicularis
The plants for sale are the result of divisions of several adult Cepahlotus Follicularis plants identical to those taken in the photo (size xs approximately). The plants for sale are those in the second photo (xs)
Plants grown mostly in wet sphagnum moss, so repot in wet sphagnum moss if possible, to facilitate their acclimatization to their new conditions of culture.
If this is not the case the plant will still be delivered with about 3 gr of dehydrated sphagnum moss to be moistened and wrapped around the bulb and roots before repotting if you choose to repot in white peat to acclimatize the plant to its new substrate.
bare root shipments
Plant needing a lot of water from spring to autumn, bathe it in a saucer with rain water, do not use tap water for watering. Place it in a very sunny place but preferably subdued because it appreciates a lot of light.
In winter, reduce the watering, put it in a cool and bright place
Hardy plant which can support small frosts going to -3° to -4° (maximum)
Returns from one year to the next if well acclimatized
if you place order, it’s possible that plants received have dead leaves because of a long delivery time, however, you just need to cut off dead leaves then put the roots in carnivorous plants’ soils and wait it makes green news leaves 🙂