(Very) specific needs

You are a research center, a university, a company, and you are looking for very particular plants, a large volume of plants, an element concerning carnivorous plants, not available on our site or elsewhere.

In this case, contact us and explain in detail your approach. Our knowledge of carnivorous plants and of the various existing communities (professionals, forums, social networks, industrial operations) allows us to address practically all the issues related to this field. We accompany you in this search for a solution.

Our research work on horticultural LEDs and their applications, started 10 years ago, allows us to bring you precise and reliable answers, not only concerning these plants but also the whole ecosystem necessary to make them grow in an optimal way: lighting, climate, disease management

In a dedicated test area, we are constantly experimenting with the effects of professional equipment (mainly from French and European manufacturers) on a large number of carnivorous plant species. In correlation with the technical knowledge of the LED manufacturers, we can thus advise you in the best way and if necessary put you in relation with the best manufacturers, having dedicated tools, such as 3D simulations of your installation for a perfect implementation of your lighting.

Do not hesitate to contact us using the following form: it is without engagement 😉

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